Sales Dashboard підвищує ефективність вашого бізнесу

Sales Dashboard підвищує ефективність вашого бізнесу

Sales analytics dashboard provides a visual representation of your most recent performance, dynamics, structure and effectiveness of sales

Main goal of businesses is growth, which the sales reporting dashboard can show. To make the growth you need ambitious and actionable goals. However, how to plan and manage if you don’t understand where you are now?

For this purpose businesses need sales reporting dashboards to track the real state and goals achievement.

Goals will be your roadmap through time: knowing where you are now, you may want to get somewhere.

In case of sales we have the same situation. From one side, such goals are difficult but they become more impossible without knowing your state right now.

What is a Sales Dashboard?

Sales analytics dashboard provides a visual representation of your most recent performance, dynamics, structure and effectiveness of sales by main key dimensions of company activity by directions, contragents, products, etc.  It reports your sales data for the periods plus what, when, where from, how much, whom, and how many were sold.

This dashboard gives a real picture of your key performance indicators (KPIs) in sales. According to the name these are common metrics to track which show the effectiveness of work. Choosing KPIs is a real art and serious process which demands your update over time.

The most usable metrics in sales dashboard include:

Types of analysis may include analysis of metrics by dynamics (years, months, weeks, days), by comparison of metrics to plan, ABC analysis. 

It gives you a concise view of results-based reports which can reflect sales by dates, in the regions, branches, KPIs, sales growth, and so on.

Dashboards for sales can be different for each industry plus the type of analysis you need.

Using the vital KPIs numbers of a team’s progress the workflow can be managed toward goals and revenue targets. Decision makers can even see issues before they grow to huge problems and manage the processes.

See more digital marketing dashboard examples to suit your needs and identify spend on and top/bottom performing products across each marketing funnel

What does the sales dashboard show and what is it for?

Sales report dashboard provides different types of analysis of the metrics and your most recent performance to get different insights for managing and business effectiveness improvement.

Sales dashboard is a general type of dashboards.

Having it, any dashboard owner or salesperson can filter information, choose time periods, add real-time data and even create new dashboards.

General types of analyzes are not just the fact, but comparison of fact and last year, fact and plan, fact and last month, fact and deviations, like for likes.

Main dimensions could be:

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What are the target roles and dashboard users?

Sales dashboard can be used for the key persons connected with sales. Its target roles and users positions in the organization are:

Sales Dashboard Demo

Other types of sales dashboard:

These dashboards show metrics you regularly review in your company, one-on-one meetings, and among your sales team. Moreover there is no one pattern of a sales dashboard, so you need to know how your team will use the dashboard

They can be tailored up to specific needs of the industry and dashboard owner. If you need to see who’s performing the best out of salespeople – sales leaderboard dashboards can help. It typically includes data on the number of completed activities such as calls, emails, and meetings, new leads, deals, and customer retention numbers.

Dashboard for sales is an important dashboard for the start of business analytics implementation, because sales are the base of business” – says Volodymyr Bondarchuk, finance consultant of Cobit Solutions Power BI agency with 10 years experience in finance and consulting of large companies and holdings, experience in IFRS.


Our Power BI consultants will develop tailor made dashboards that will help effectively control sales

Margin Analytics

Margin Analytics

Маржинальність товарів та категорій

Аналіз доходів

Аналіз доходів

Факторний аналіз продажу

RFM аналіз клієнтів

RFM аналіз клієнтів

Сегментування клієнтської бази

OUR Power BI consultancy benefits

  • Leveraging best practices:
  • Saving your time and money
  • Power BI and data technology experts  implementing turn-key data solutions
  • Delivering customized dashboards crafted for your organization's needs
  • 20-30% less expensive than hiring a local FTE.
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Power BI, ETL, DWH Development:

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Turn-key BI implementation services:

ETL Data

Get the turnkey ETL data integration services for ERP, API, CRM, DB, Excel and any other IPs.

BI Dashboard

Build custom dashboards tailored to business needs, including front-end interfaces and core back-end technologies

Platform and

Transforming your data silos into high-end decision-making tools on the Power BI platform for daily updated reports.

AI/ML and
Data Science

Implementing AI/ML and data science options into interactive analytics solutions that help organizations increase revenue and margins

What's Your Stack?

Our development services already power over 150 active engagements. We typically land our teams within 2 weeks, so you can start shipping top-quality software, fast.


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