One of the clients receives tens of thousands of parcels per month as shows logistics intelligence. Some of them get stuck regularly. It is practically impossible to manually detect the stage that the failure takes place at.
Each parcel travels a long way, which includes customs clearance:
- Delivery from the supplier to the Distribution Center in the country of manufacture
- Delivery to Ukraine and customs clearance
- Delivery to the Distribution Center in Ukraine
- Delivery to the client
This is the general framework for logistics management, but there are very many nuances inside it. A great deal of goods arrives with delays. Naturally, this causes negative emotions in the end-use customer, and results in losses for the company.
All the information on logistics management is recorded in different ERP reports. To find the cause, one would have to “sift through” them for every stage, every supplier, and every parcel.
In addition to time consumption, in actual fact, the problem may as well be overlooked, as was the case previously for a number of orders.

How did we at COBIT SOLUTIONS help the client identify the problem and simplify the logistics management?
1 000 000
losses while a company looks for a problem for months
Now the client can control the following aspects online on logistics intelligence dashboards:
- Whether there are any delays and disruptions in the supplies right now;
- What stage the disruption takes place at logistics intelligence;
- Which mode of transport causes disruptions more often;
- Which supplier has caused the problem now and causes disruptions regularly;
- How much loss can be caused by late delivery with reference to a particular route and supplier.
Based on interactive logistics intelligence reporting, the company can make a conclusion as to whether they should stop using the supplier’s services, or maybe change the route, and so on. Our task is to let them see the vulnerabilities.
- Read more about BI implementation in: POWER BI IMPLEMENTATION SYSTEM
- Here’s an article about why BI shouldn’t be confused with IT: A BI SYSTEM ≠ IT: WHY IS IT SO?
Our dashboards give you a chance to control the revenue, cost price, margin, gross profiе and 47 other indicators on a daily basis. No need to wait for a monthly report.
Consistent control results in profit growth and business expansion.